Friday 2 February 2018

Webinar: How Will Changing Trade Policies Impact Your Global Supply Chain?

How will your company handle trade policy changes? From the latest trade restrictions on the import of solar panels and washing machines, to ongoing NAFTA renegotiations, extensive policy changes are underway. A recent survey of more than 500 global logistics executives found that shippers are divided on the potential outcome of US free trade agreements negotiations and are generally unsure what to expect. Others are scrambling to deal with unexpected trade regulations that have shaken their industries to the very core.  

Amber Road wants to help you navigate these changes. Currently, there are eight major policy initiatives in review that could be a big adjustment for importers – affecting both the bottom line and key business practices.

Join Amber Road’s Global Trade Academy as we explore the major changes that should be on your radar during our webinar, The Great Trade Pivot: Changing Policies and Their Impact on Your Global Supply Chain, broadcasting live on Wednesday, February 7 at 2pm EST.


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