Friday, 29 March 2019

Surviving the March Madness of Global Supply Chains

Global trade today is making the world a smaller place and enabling more markets and regions to link together with less cost and risk. It’s also driving technology development by creating standards and removing economic barriers that inhibit the movement of goods, information, and people. Amber Road’s subject-matter experts provide some thought-provoking insights in a range of industry publications to help companies continue to streamline their global supply chains.

Is Technology the Solution to Supply Chain Complexity? in Inbound Logistics


Friday, 22 March 2019

5 Steps to Building an Agile, Resilient Supply Chain

Conducting international trade can be chaotic. Fluctuating tariffs, duties, and free trade agreements, expanding multi-tier supply sources, new international trade rules, and much more, constantly trigger heavy ripple effects along the entire retail supply chain. The advancement of technology, specifically supply chain digitization, allows full visibility into your design, global sourcing, manufacturing, trade compliance and shipping functions, all united in one central location: The Control Tower. But many organizations are still needlessly hesitant to adopt these rewarding advancements.


Thursday, 14 March 2019

Get Your Reality Check – A Supply Chain Technology Innovation Benchmark Study

As technology evolves and disrupts our industry, it is important to take a step back and get a “reality check” on the usefulness of these technologies, especially as leaders are looking for new innovative technologies to give their companies a competitive advantage in the market. It can be difficult to separate out the hype surrounding these new technologies from the reality. This industry report, Reality Check: Supply Chain Technology Innovation Benchmark Study, works to help you do just that.

American Shipper’s Ben Meyer surveyed 296 supply chain stakeholders to more closely examine the trends around investment in both current and futuristic supply chain technologies. By doing this, he hopes to determine not only how the industry feels about new technologies, but how serious they are about implementing them in their own company.

Some key statistics that you can find in the report include:
