Thursday, 26 July 2018

Digitization Creates a Strong Value Chain: Generating Cost Reductions

Most business decisions are determined by money, whether its revenue generated or potential savings. Due to increasing globalization in today’s markets, coupled with an unstable regulatory environment, global supply chains are becoming more complex than ever before. This has increased the difficulty of simple day-to-day operations, let alone optimizing costs. The current influx of multiple transportation routes and carriers, updated government regulations, and several other factors will continue to bring hardship unless a strong value chain is obtained.


Monday, 23 July 2018

Talking Logistics Interview with Gary Barraco - Digitization: Where Can You See Value?

Gary Barraco, Director of Global Product Marketing at Amber Road, speaks with Adrian Gonzalez of Talking Logistics about several aspects of digitizing the global supply chain and the benefits it provides. Digitizing your supply chain empowers global trade professionals with a competitive edge by providing visibility across shipments, into costs, and ahead of potential risks – all netting significant cost savings. Gary and Adrian address several questions that culminate in building a business case to prove the value of a digital supply chain to your C-Suite.


Thursday, 19 July 2018

Brexit: Journey to the Unknown

On March 29, 2019 the United Kingdom will leave the European Union – and with it the customs union, the EU’s common commercial policy and the European single market, which had hitherto committed the UK to the free movement of labor. Yet with Brexit only some months away, future customs arrangements between the negotiating parties remain totally unpredictable. The uncertainty is poison to global trade.

When we leave the EU, we will also leave the EU Customs Union.”

This was the guiding principle under which the United Kingdom, on its way out of the European Union, first submitted ideas about a future customs collaboration with the EU, including the outline of an independent customs bill.


Tuesday, 17 July 2018

US Manufacturers Are Not Reshoring

Even with all of the rhetoric around moving manufacturing back to the United States, the numbers are crystal clear that US manufacturing is moving away from any significant reshoring shift. In Forbes magazine last week, Steve Banker wrote about the July release of A.T. Kearney’s 4th annual Reshoring Index, which shows the relative growth of imports from distant, low-cost country trading partners has now outpaced the relative growth of US manufacturing gross output.


Friday, 13 July 2018

Tackle Trade Compliance with Global Trade Academy's 5-Day Import Boot Camp

Understanding constantly evolving U.S. customs regulations and its complex requirements is a challenging task.

Whether you are looking for a refresher course or are new to the industry and want to get up to speed fast, our hands-on 5-day Import Boot Camp will provide you with a solid understanding of U.S. Customs regulations, requirements, and best practices needed to tackle a multitude of trade compliance issues with authority.


Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Webinar Q&A: US Trade Policy Is Changing Rapidly - and So May Your Job!

After laying dormant for almost thirty years, US trade policy has been swept up in a whirlwind of change. Last month’s Global Trade Academy webinar explored the pitfalls associated with these trade policy changes and recommended best practices to protect you and your company. You can find this webinar, US Trade Policy Is Changing Rapidly - and So May Your Job! on-demand here.

Global Trade Academy is hosting a second webinar in this regulatory update series tomorrow, July 12, at 2PM: Como está? Zěnmeliǎo? What’s happening? Trade Legislation Changes Around the World – Translated! Tune in to discover how US policy changes are affecting trade legislation around the world.

Viewers came armed with several questions about product classification, Drawback, the exclusion process, and more, and while our presenter Robin Grover answered many of your questions, we ran out of time to address them all. Luckily, Robin has compiled all his answers in this post.  


Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Webinar: Trade Legislation Changes Around the World – Translated!

Como está?


Translated: what's happening?

It may seem like you need a translator to understand the scope of rapid policy shifts in international trade, especially as countries like Canada, Brazil, and China respond to increased US tariffs and restrictions. 

Instead of turning to Google Translate, tune in to our upcoming webinar, where Suzanne Richer, Director of Trade Advisory Practices at Amber Road, will expand on how US trade changes have impacted legislation in other countries. 
