Friday 29 June 2018

World-Class Supply Chain Collaboration Redefined at SCM World Leaders Forum

Global supply chain leaders from around the world will convene in London next month for the Leaders Forum, hosted by SCM World, a Gartner community. At this exclusive event, the world’s most influential business and operations executives will share their insights and experiences in a closed-door setting like no other.

This year's Leaders Forum will focus on The Power of the Profession, identifying strategies to grow through digital transformation, lead with purpose, and inspire teams. 

One of the supply chain leaders addresses this theme is Mark Baxa, President & CEO of Fernia Creek, and former Head of Global Procurement at Monsanto, who will present "World-Class Supply Chain Collaboration, Redefined."


Thursday 28 June 2018

Mitigating Supply Chain Risk

Supply chains have become increasingly multifaceted in recent years with more inbound and outbound borders, an increase in transportation routes and carriers, and seemingly endless changes to government regulations. At the same time, supply chain executives are challenged with confronting the accompanying risk and uncertainty with suppliers, products, cross-border regulations, and brand reputation. Potential disruptions in these areas create vulnerabilities in your supply chain, making it imperative to implement the best risk management tools and strategies.


Monday 25 June 2018

Your To-Do List For Getting Brexit-Ready

The votes are in and the United Kingdom has chosen to leave the European Union. Brexit arose on June 23, 2016, when British citizens decided to cut ties with over 40 years of treaties and agreements that covered thousands of different subjects. Now, Brexit is scheduled to fully officiate by Friday 29 March, 2019, which means the countdown has already begun.

Amber Road’s new eBook, Getting Brexit-Ready in 2018, is your go-to guide for preparing for the major changes that Brexit will bring. In this case, 'major' means that all aspects of cross-border movement in Great Britain will be impacted. 


Friday 22 June 2018

Upcoming Webinar: Blockchain-Enabled Purchase Orders

The Key to Frictionless Global Supply Chain Execution

Whether you subscribe to the notion that blockchain-enabled supply chain solutions will see meaningful adoption this year, this decade, or never, it is impossible to deny the tsunami of investments moving the industry from concepts to enterprise-wide deployments.

Join American Shipper and Amber Road on June 28 at 2pm EDT for an upcoming webinar, Blockchain-Enabled Purchase Orders: The Key to Frictionless Global Supply Chain Execution. The hour-long broadcast will explore how blockchain at its core is a tool for systems integration and how the humble purchase order may hold the key to frictionless global trade management and supply chain execution. 


Tuesday 19 June 2018

Troubled by Rising Transportation Costs?

Transportation costs continue to creep into a product’s profit margin. A recent study found that 58% of shippers cite transportation costs as their highest concern. Today, this concern has only grown.
Please join Amber Road and Supply Chain Quarterly for our upcoming webinar,  Taking the “Ouch” Out of Transportation Costs , broadcasting live tomorrow,  Wednesday, June 20 at 2pm EDT .


Friday 8 June 2018

The Digital Global Supply Chain: Party of the Year!

You were invited to the digital supply chain party – but are you going? Considering the added value of collaboration, analytics, automation, and flexibility, it’s a hard invitation to pass up. However, many global companies struggle to justify the cost of a global trade management solution, your ticket into the party.

Amber Road is excited to sponsor the ARC Advisory Group report, The Digital Supply Chain: Don’t Get Left Out Of The Party. The report looks at the digital global supply chain as a pot-luck dinner party. As the goal of a pot-luck dinner is to gather a variety of food and good company, a successful pot-luck requires planning and coordination by the host.


Thursday 7 June 2018

A CFO's Guide to Transforming the Global Supply Chain

As CFOs move beyond traditional accounting responsibilities to take on strategic roles in their organizations, many realize that they must do more to optimize their global supply chains. The solution? Implementing a digital model of the global supply chain to better share, process, and analyze information.


Wednesday 6 June 2018

Get a Grasp on ACE and the PGAs with Trade Automation

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) set up Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) with the intent of providing importers a "single window" to submit data to other U.S. agencies. But instead of finding a steady mark to hit, shippers are struggling with the complexities of importing under ACE and the partner government agencies (PGAs). 

A Moving Target: The Complexities of Importing Under ACE And The PGAs is an American Shipper white paper that exposes the uneven levels of ACE integration from PGAs. As the sponsor of this white paper, Amber Road contributes to the conversation by offering how global trade management automation can help importers navigate among the chaos.


Tuesday 5 June 2018

Navigating Your Way Through Global Trade Uncertainties

Today’s global trade market, subject to volatility and constant changes, presents several challenges to international companies and their supply chains. Risks to supply chains are normally categorized into issues such as production errors, unanticipated weather events, labor disputes, and qualms with supplier reliability. While these are all legitimate fears that any sensible company should monitor, special attention should also be paid to addressing global trade uncertainties—modifications in economic and political trade policies that precede shifts in regulatory compliance standards.


Friday 1 June 2018

Hot Off the Press in May 2018! What Amber Road Experts Are Working On

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Amber Road talks about managing supply chain costs, shipping perishable goods, global trade rules and regulatory compliance solutions, and moving the workload to the vendor-level in this month’s press coverage.

Amber Road's industry leaders have a lot to say, and this month features pieces written by Gary Barraco (Director, Global Product Marketing) and Andrew Cheung (Vice President of Implementation). This issue also features an exciting press release for Amber Road's export compliance solution targeted at universities & research institutions. Check it out!
