In 2017 Forbes ranked Raleigh, NC, the site of one of Amber Road's biggest offices, as the #1 City in America to Raise a Family. In 2016, Forbes ranked the city #2 in America’s Hottest Spots for Tech Jobs. For so many people in our community, Raleigh is a great place to live and work. Yet in the midst of the 34 counties of Central and Eastern NC, there are 630,000 people that struggle to access nutritious and adequate amounts of food necessary for a healthy life.
For the past 12 years during the lead-up to the Super Bowl, Amber Road employees have participated in their own “Souper Bowl” competition in the form of a food drive. Year-over-year, the big winner is the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina.
In the last 12 years, Amber Road’s Raleigh office has collected and donated 104,301 pounds to the Food Bank. Just last month, the team collected 33,201 pounds, equating to 27,958 nourishing meals for local families thanks to the herculean efforts by Amber Road’s passionate employees.
“Though Raleigh is a great place to live and work, there are over 630,000 people among the 34 counties of Central and Eastern NC that struggle to access nutritious and adequate amounts of food,” explained Stephanie Miles, Senior Vice President, Commercial Services for Amber Road. “Corporate social responsibility through our annual Souper Bowl Food Drive has been an integral part of our office culture and tradition for the past 12 years. Our intention is to continue the momentum and make the program contagious in our community, so that ‘No One Goes Hungry’,” added Miles.